
The number of members of a body required to be present in order for the body to transact business. As applied to courts, the requirement that a certain number of judges must be present in order to render a valid decision, such requirement being imposed by constitutional or statutory provision. 20 Am J2d Cts § 68. Of grand jury: --the least number of grand jurors necessary to concur in an indictment. 24 Am J1st Grand J § 15. As applied to Congress, a majority of each House. US Coast Art I § 5 cl 1. As applied to a legislative body of the state, a municipality, or other political subdivision, the number of members prescribed by constitution or statute. In a political committee, a majority. 25 Am J2d Elect § 125. In a political convention, the number of delegates actually assembling. 25 Am J2d Elect § 122. Of a board of directors:- a sufficient number for the exercise of the powers of the board, being a majority unless a different number is expressly prescribed. 19 Am J2d Corp § 1126. Of stockholders:-a sufficient number of stockholders for the transaction of business at a stockholders' meeting, a matter now usually governed by statute, by charter provision, or by the bylaws of the corporation, provided they do not contravene provisions of the charter or statute. 19 Am J2d Corp § 620. At common law, any number of shareholders present at a duly called meeting. Applequist v Swedish Evangelical Lutheran Gethsemane Church, 154 Wash 351, 282 P 224.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • quorum — (n.) early 15c., in reference to certain eminent justices of the peace, from L. quorum of whom, genitive plural of qui (see WHO (Cf. who)). The traditional wording of the commission appointing justices of the peace translates as, We have also… …   Etymology dictionary

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