Neque leges neque senatus consults its scribi possunt ut omnis casus qui quandoque in sediriunt comprehendatur; sed sufficit ea quae plaerumque accidunt contineri

Neque leges neque senatus consults its scribi possunt ut omnis casus qui quandoque in sediriunt comprehendatur; sed sufficit ea quae plaerumque accidunt contineri
Neither laws nor acts of a legislature can be so written as to include all actual or possible cases; but it is sufficient if they provide for those things which frequently or ordinarily may happen. State v Butts, 111 Fla 630, 149 So 746, 89 ALR 946. Neque verbis praescriptis solemnibus vestitum est, neque facto aut datione rei transit in contractum innominatum. That which has neither been clothed in prescribed, solemn words, nor by any act or matter of gift, passes into an implied contract. See 2 Bl Comm 445.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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